Silver Spur Elementary

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Silver Spur’s school library contains over 15,222 books—over 18% are picture books; 23% are fiction books; and, nearly 37% information and reference books.  Our library has a higher than average ratio of books per student: 27 books per student, as compared to 18 average in California and 26 nationwide. 
All classes visit the library on a weekly basis for formal instruction and to check out books.

National Cookie Month October

■ The Doorbell Rang


National Pizza Month October

■ Grades K-1 Pizza Mouse

■ Pizza Counting


10/12 Columbus Day

■ A Picture Book of Christopher Columbus


10/15 National Grouch Day

■ Monsters’ Monster


10/16 Dictionary Day

■ The Great Dictionary Caper


10/21 National Reptile Day

■ Crocodiles

■ My Snake Blake


10/29 National Cat Day

■ Grades K-2 The Cat Barked


Election Day – November Primary


Election Day Non-Fiction