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Grade 3 Reopening Meeting
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Added Mar 03, 2021
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I'm just going to start recording cuz I completely forgot to do that okay this is really important this morning we had yesterday and today we had an opportunity to test grade students in stable cohort and so it was one of the first times that our fourth grade students were coming on campus and for those of you who have children who have not, I'm thirsty yet just know that free date we are going to require you to fill out this website so you can put it on your phone I actually have it under my notes on my phone and then I click on it every day and that's where I do it this is going to be the website bchd, screen. Org that is a screening tool that each and every day you will have to take for your child and then show us the greenest student drop-off and for those who do not have a device or who may forget you know you're driving in your car whatever reason you know you forgot your device. Com we are going to be handing out to you on the first day back to forms okay on the front you are going to have the question which are the same questions that you have on the what are the screening tool and on the back it has a green color so what many people are doing is placing this on the dashboard of their cars or they're just showing me and I go okay and then they try get off same thing if you are coming to school walking it would be the same procedure you either show me your phone or you show me the deform I want you to know I am trusting you are going to be honest and forthcoming in answering this question and I'm placing much stress on that because I want to be very transparent in that we are in we open school black in November on our third, so I'm going to be very strict on checking the grain is claimed but even more us some of the guidelines and I'm going to go do a purge from showing us the green screen in on your phone or on paper we will also take temperature checks of all upon entry to the cost before they going to the class and then our Compass access this year it's only limited to students District the stuff and other house right person which is School. I know find volunteers allowed on campus during the hours of 7:30 and 3:30 and you will come and you will be able to see how I have play some change the half and a little note that says campus close from the hours of 7:30 to 3:30 to everyone let's see what pvpusd and a Silver Spur are going to ensure going to ensure that is trained and knowledgeable compliance team will enforce all of the covid-19 safety protocol who are in that compliance. I am the compliance officer making sure everything is being followed any my place we're going to have stuff for dinner we see and then we have in our compliance team we have mrs. Jennie hanaoka or office manager mrs. Deborah drink with our house Clark and mr. Salvador our head custodian also we're going to ensure that the same class from is juice daily for the same as student cohort so we have morning and we have afternoon I ain't also that the classrooms are set up to accommodate physical distancing and safety routines so classical pure nature and I'm going to show you a picture of it later being Reckless figure and set up when shirt 6-foot distance between not only the teachers theft by Between the death of all the students also I wanted to show you with a vehicle going to the restaurant is going to work we are going to have boys I can't see myself so I don't know if you're seeing if you're saying what I'm sure we're going to have voice passes for restroom and Lady spices for the restaurant you will see on the box they are magnetic and they are for class so the teachers are going to have this person on the door to their classroom when a child wants to use the restroom they will ask permission to the teacher they will get one of these buses and we're going to train the children Odessa let you know all the followers the worst are just in case of fire so these will attach to all the doors David child wants to use the restroom is only one person at a time so they don't go in pairs like in previous years they just go one at a time will place this do if it's a lady going to the restroom they will place the the bathroom pass outside the restroom door that tell another student who may be going at the same time I not a classroom that there is someone in the restroom and they're going to have to wait till Dad friend comes out and fix the past up cuz we're only allowing our student in the rest at one time when deposits are returned the teachers they make sure that the funny face before they're placed on the door again so again if these are to ensure that only one student server at one time so we are going to have a we already have cleaning and sanitizing prodigals in place you may see mr. salt walking around campus with a backpack on his back. Contains what is 750 + for those parents that are concerned no it is not here waxy 758 is the Lyrid with water and they've been trained on that and they use their the PPE it's going to be done at least three times the day before the day before one cohort in between toe hurts and at the end of its cover everything is going to be disinfected not only that but all kind of high thoughts second door knob bathroom playground equipment Etc Uncle Ray that's what you are going through plexiglass so I can show them then going to have also plexiglass on all features death so this is what it looks like I don't have to separate also the teacher from dispute I've been right here and I'll show you a picture later these are the dividers that each of students is going to have like this in their on their desk habitual one trial and those are business guard that we are going to have on all the students that also is trying to have there been right on Buck off material and this box is perfect because it's going to contain all of their but it's going to have their own pencil box that can go in there and this box. inside there just with allows mr. salt to clean all deaths very wet vac. Liquid in between call her as well and also we want it just didn't have their own box of material so that there is no sharing amongst. Also I want to ensure each and every parent that our windows and doors every single one of them has been inspected to promote optimal ventilation in the classroom they all open and they all open correctly so it's not just a little bit but let me explain to you cuz I get a lot of questions about it so just so that you know at Silver Spur we do have hbac in every class from the only woman in the room where we do not have it it's in the NPR which were not using this year but every single classroom has either well at both our conditioning and heating and the way works so technically if the heater is on or we are going to aren't we have HEPA filters that has been installed into it classroom that clear when they are so you can have the air conditioning or the heater on and you can have the doors and windows closed or but I know most most of our teachers are going to have windows open doors open and either air conditioning or heat but it's either or even though how to sync 2 x 2 all of them for like right now I have my air conditioning as I also have my doors open I'm so students and staff also required to wear a problem space cover while on top of the will have to wear our masks unless you know you'll see the teachers that they're in the classroom and a little bit about our cleaning schedule on safety message three boys and two noticed that we're doing the cleaning and sanitizing of playground equipment restaurant find surface area at least three times is it we do it before school we do it in between call hurts after school as well as a ss4 playground equipment they get youth in every single reason to mister star has released the schedule and he goes and claims in between coffee and I always have 10 minutes between one recess and the other where he goes with his backpacks his brakes everything it takes 5 minutes for it to dry so we have 10 minutes in between and then every single cleaning product that is being used in our district they are affect a GameStop at 19th are you supporting to product instructions also we're very fortunate to say that all of our runs came through three cuz this is not the case for our 4th and 5th grade classroom but for all wrong skate 3 all rumpus sinks with soap and hand washing is going to be encouraged to be done regularly in addition to that we have to Washington station that will be ordered play Outdoors for students to also wash their hands as well as the garden stink that we have also upon entry to each classroom we have hand sanitizer station that are used to Superman hand-washing but we're going to be teaching our children that there's nothing that supplement hand wash sink soap and then we used to hunt body type and then also each room has sanitizing spray available so it's a bottle that contains a waxy 255 and we using microfiber how to clean everything out of course they're going to be out of the reach of children and I told you a little bit about the cordless. Back is going to hurt this is epic search of one of our first classrooms that we open this is a kindergarten classroom and I have to tell you I mean it's kind of sad for me to say by our kindergarten students oh my God being the best at falling all these roads are probably because all they know it's their first experience at a school but oh my God they've been amazing so you see them they're on their desk they each have their own fence they have their business cards they have their own label that they take in and out if it stay because they put it on there yellow been that you will see it under there and you see how everyone is wearing their including the teacher and everyone of course is at least six feet apart from each other but you have to give you a bit slow cuz I know this year is hard or wait outside so that you don't get to see that song I'll try to send you pictures of what now just in case I need to tell you about this so it's really important that you know the symptoms of covid-19 and I'm sure that by now we all know them and also we're going to know them by heart because every day we're going to have to answer all of these questions but I think that is the most important is the following if your child is sick what is the sniffles or not sure please please please keep your child at home also I want you all to understand what a close contact is how do we Define close contact so we defined close contact as anyone who has been within six feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes within the play Towers the first we'd hours of when did infected person is started feeling ill or had symptoms honestly we should not have any close contact out of school whatsoever mean but no one should be more than 15 minutes we saw him for 11th and Bluff and 6 feet away so what I cannot control is. someone brings you know, to school so one of the cases that we had was right after Thanksgiving we had a family who engaged on a high-risk Gathering where someone had died at the time of the car rain and it was it a distal with close contact with a person and so came to school without knowing so that child was out of school and the cohort. Day but there were no contamination to others because this is the idea behind schools that if we follow all of these tasty procedure. circles there should be no transmission in the school site but anyone who's computer it goes contract must be quarantined for 10 to 14 days now that being said if we get a case in classroom I need to quarantine everyone in the costume so if it's in the morning I only need two parents in the morning covered and the teacher and a geek and a physics teacher good morning Anna I meant if your child exhibits symptoms consistent with covid-19 while out of school he or she will be taking to a designated isolated isolation which is rough will be given a medical mask to wear and remain with our house clerk mrs. Gregory until you come to pick up your child and then right after you know you will guidance from your health provider and get a PCR test okay moving right along Wheeling Ford so again I'm going back to what I had said before I cannot express enough that it is incredibly important to keep your sick child home so if your child is sick it's better to err on the side of caution let us know I'm please keep him at home if we get any students oh I already told you about that that if any student with symptoms of covid-19 requires the entire court okay and I added this slide here I had it when we did the reopening for kindergarten and first grade because he coincided with right of Thanksgiving winter holidays but now we also have a week coming up spring break so I wanted to share with you what our guidelines are at off today they may change but as of right anyone who travels outside of a state or travels internationally and we have had a few families who are back in person and they have trouble either again out-of-state internationally let me know and then those families along with our children need to quarantine for 10 days after arrival before the child can return to campus I'm even though you may think oh Can I submit a covid-19 test in place of the quarantine know you must learn seeing for 10 days those are the guidelines as of today I don't know if they would be the same guidelines in months from now but I will keep you updated on that but it's off today again anyone who goes out of his face even if it's for a weekend or if it's for a day we'll have to quarantine and anyone who goes out of the country as well you probably read about going a hundred and twenty miles outside of Los Angeles that is recommended that you quarantine but it's not mandated as of right now and then also I went to point this out because it already happened to us so I want to share and learn from what we have experienced you know if you have attended as high-risk Gathering you all Snowmass quarantine for 10 days after defense Auto frame now what the health officer order States is that all private Gathering so think of like Super Bowl Sunday okay it must be held outdoors with no more than free household and no more than 15 people I'm so following and I just wanted to share with you I am going to send you a regular Communications about this as the change as we approached loan weekends and holidays but right now our travel advice free and guidance is avoid all non-essential travel & Again Estate within a hundred miles of anyone like ice before arriving from out-of-state out of the country they need to quarantine for 10 days and again if you're traveling internationally just know that you are required to show ID covid-19 test before you board an airplane the United States okay, I got a nut with a lot of information and I've been talking non-stop so at this point before I continue with our everyday routine beginning do we have any questions about what I have shared up until now just for clarification correct me that if someone travels out of state or out of the country they cannot test back into the classroom they must self quarantine that's correct okay so regardless even if they take a test that will be okay thank you yes any other questions is not the word I have a. For questions at the end but I will move on with what's coming twice on Monday okay Monday March 8th finally that's the day that you could drop off your children at school you're probably ready to kick them out the door so here we are so if you are driving the school you need to remain in the car and you need to show us your green screen prior to a stain okay good morning come out and so play work this week walk around Lego supervisors Dr jeneby C&I screen whether that's on your phone or maybe this after we give you this and we go okay and then you come out of the car and again paper copies would be provided just in case now what I'm going to do for them and I'm going to have to train also our Kinder and second grade families on this we're very limit the time for drop off meaning we only have a 10 minute window and we must do all the drop off for 3/4 and 5 students in that window which is 10 so there is this is where news comes to you but if you have children who are K2 and then you have another child quiz 350 different and different pick up time so for those students in grades 3 through 5 the drop off is 8 of 5 if you are here at 8 on our parking lot don't think we're being mean but we will not open door until 8:05 and that is because we do not have anybody to supervise students PCS we need to ensure that they are 6 feet apart so the minute that the children get off the car they are sent directly to their classrooms and I want to thank our amazing Silver Spur teachers who are we how to open their classroom 10 minutes before starting instructional time to give out there planning time to welcome our state is not happening at every school and it is happening at Silver Spur and that's a testament to the dedication of our teachers so I can that's why doors and not be open before 8:05 so even if you're here at 8 I will I'll be able to open the door and then he don't stand there between 8:05 and 8:15 we need to get everybody dropped off and so green screens and temperature 815 instruction begins anyone who are right after 8:15 they will have to get it from mrs. Hannah okay and mrs. Gregory is tarteist lip and they will be to the classroom and I'll go over with if this world so that you get to see it all four students will keep their backpacks on their back and they'll go straight to their social existence spot on the line so basically painted Broncos outside of every classroom when you come to Silver Spur you're going to see Broncos everywhere outside of every continent are all six feet apart so when the students are approaching the classroom. BJ's going to tell them stay at a Bronco while they call them one at a time to put their backpack away and walk into the classroom but I know some of you mail is close to school or if you've gone you'll still will like to park your car and walk your child to school that's totally okay we even have some friends who come by bicycle totally okay you would just have to walk for playground supervisor show them the green screen and I already told you these are the hours for drop off for grades three through five it's super. I have to think about it twice with so many drop off until many races that so what I have done is I have created I have order banners with drop off times for K2 and 435 that will be placed on both drop-off area so that you get to see them every day because it is a lot to remember so for the a.m. coldhart the drop of times are 805 again to 8:15 I kind of mirrors the afternoon which is 11:50 to 12 drop off times for those attending the afternoon for 4 okay so here you get it I love how he go so you dropped your child at the circle like we've done it every year and then we're going to final all of our friends through those tables that you see right there and that kind of pee right now I am fixing to canopy because we had a very very windy day and it got been dead but it will come back up as soon as we do that I'm so behind each one of those deaths we have mrs. honey our office manager and mrs. Gregory our health clerk who will be taking temperatures and sending the students to the class and then down below down here I don't know if you can see the aurora on your screen and we have Personnel who are guiding students into the classroom and directing them and so that's how it works every day that's what temperature steak can I ask question is it possible in 10 minutes to have hundred kids to walk through the temperature check I mean literally have a hundred temperature done within a hundred within 10 MI and also how are we going to Grant you the decisions are staying 6 feet away while waiting in line for the temperature check students in K2 can we have in 3/5 and remember we have them in two different sets so no we're able to do it actually magic at the beginning or like I don't know we're going to be able to do it on the first day to get 12 minutes but now we have it to the teeth Ashley takes much less than even 10 minutes it's right of fast we have the guns and their effects of taking the temperature and then remembered they don't all come at the same time we have some coming like a sheriff 805-807-8098 15 today we even have it. Of like a minute and a half know it is possible to ensure that they are Cedar Park so we have the little Broncos and we always tell them even if it's not 6 feet apart we tell them to put their arm and they have to be at least an arm's a lot so that's what we are telling them so we can cry same to always be apart from each other and then okay pick up routine so for pick up some parents are choosing to pick them up walking which is okay well that many of you prefer to get them in the car and you know both ways are fine so you will remain in the car until bring your child to you what we're asking and this is super important and we need your help with it if you come and pick up your child by car please please please add a reminder by email but can you have like a piece of paper like this with your child's name the teacher so that we can see if we can give them to you to persuade us cuz we just walk and do a visceral and my life motto super super easy they have designated pick-up area so I'll show you cuz I took a picture to show you where they are but again the paper will really really help so pick up Will begin 11 for the am cohort and a 245 for the p.m. covered now instruction and 11 instruction ends at 2:45 so by the time our friends to come up the teachers walk them up it's about 11:02 to 2:47 so you don't give it like a couple minutes and all students must be fixed by 11:10 and 2:55 because then we have to pick up again for our cake through to students I'm here I tried to take pictures that I do get to see where are your children are going to be pick up so you probably if you have been to Silver Spur lately you may not have seen that we got a winner station right here by Room 5 so this is it in the drop off area kind of like the white picket fence in front of the kindergarten is Lost first grade and what TK used to be last year so the first one that you come up from all the rooms in third grade is going to be the pickup area for misses Buffet Rome 14 in front of Rome fat the next one in the middle and we have three branches were will separate the students six feet apart it's wrong 15 meses kagimoto and the next I was just in front of the kindergarten rooms 3 is the pickup area for mrs. price so I can the teachers will walk the students up to the pickup area that will line them up for us and then we'll take over a Honda students to you as we see you coming in and that's why it's so important to have the paper with child's name on it on who the teacher is and then the pickup times okay so this is where it gets complicated because I see if it wasn't complicated enough now on Mondays we go back to what it used to be before, we have an Earl released Monday and that's the only date was only two hours so pretty much you're dropping your child off at 8:15 you have to come and pick them up by 10:15 same with the afternoon and I did it wrong the afternoon afternoon so you drop them off at 12 and you pick them up at 2:00 right and then it's 2:00 instead of 2:15 I'm sorry I'll change that Tuesdays Thursdays and Fridays you drop them off at 8:15 to pick them up at 11 and you pick them up at 2:45 so I can't what's really important is that Monday is an early release time with only two hours of instructions but don't worry I'll send you an email good morning to remind you don't forget it's early release today 8 and after next Monday 2 for Genovese will send you also that email to remind you every Monday of the early dismissal oh this is Mewtwo okay beginning next Monday so the first day that your children begin out of school are offering curbside meal service but only for hybrid Silver Spur students who are coming in person okay so if you want your child it's and it's open to anyone but it can only be to still refers to its so since I'm looking at Miss Allison young in front of me who has a middle schooler student on 1 in Villa she would not be able to pick up food for her three children she would only be able to pick up food for the one-child hookah to Silver Spur on the pickup times for food are for Monday the time is 10:15 to 12:15 there's a two-hour window for Jesus on Friday and even on Wednesdays remember that Wednesday is always going to be and students never come to school cuz that's the deep cleaning day you still can, Wednesdays to get food and it's between the hours of 11 and 12:50 now babe the food that you're going to get it comes not as beautiful as you see here on this Friday it's going to be a package food and it's going to contain breakfast and lunch items and they're cold and you will have to heat them up at home and they're going to give you the back or you can pick up the bag which is optional I'm free of charge as the students are leaving or as they are coming either way if it's during those hours so for the morning it would be as they're going home for the afternoon as they are coming to school and you will save the food for the next day for you to shoot up in your house it's an option I don't know if somebody something for you or not but that is an option for our students that much as I know about the food service I know there was an email that was sent to you probably last week is not the week before I will resend it again to remind everyone that they will be curbside mail service available to all and then I must find our PTA was so gracious and kind to provide a mask for a tryst you didn't you should all have one it looks like this here in the picture and he has a lanyard attached to them so that they don't lose them if for whatever reason to child did not receive one please let us know we'll make sure that they do and also each classroom is going to have a sale disposable mask so if your child's mask gets 30 we will have an extra mask today I had to give our assessment to a fourth grade student and TruStone are we still nervous that harm a cigar also so I was able to give her a brand-new Musk from this bed that we had in the classroom but yet no. Or you can send an extra one with them and then PE up until this week PE has been part of the nursing Kronos time beginning next Monday or Wednesday begin in person changes to a synchrony meaning that if your child comes to school in the morning there be is in the afternoon if they come to school in the afternoon there be is in the morning so here up for 3rd grade PE takes place on Monday and for the am cohort but now take place right after lunch 15 to 1 when they're home already I'm for the p.m. cohort it will be first thing in the morning at home virtual and the reason if you're wondering why this mathematical the reason behind it is you know we have to be in compliance and hour and go by and some with the current reopening protocols with only and now it's always begin in person to people of no more than to offer and go to the app as it is he actually teaches its 1000 students a week because we share him with solely on the all-in also it would be impossible for to see so many children and so that's why PE is virtual and just so that you know because now it's moved to the effing peroneus part of the day we will take attendance but we will not be assigning great so don't worry about a PE grade now if you would have still like your child to attend be eat if it's super fun activity and Coach Jeff mix. A crate of the Autobots and for whatever reason that time does not work for you please email Coach Jeff and she will tell you all the time also on our Silver Spur website updated our schedule a repeat and you can look at it there and they may attend any other time and I think I already told you about that how liking our free pandemic years we are having an early release Monday which only applies to those grades who are returning in person and what the times are with basically reduces through two hours of up in person instruction on on Monday and here is we've already gone over this but this would be you know again the Monday schedule of the early release for the 2 hours of Tuesdays Thursdays and Fridays is exactly the same as scheduled 8:15 to 11 and 12 to 2:45 on Wednesday continue as being virtual for both AM and PM for her 9 to 11:15 so nothing has changed for Wednesday I know we sit so yes your students will have Reese's everyday and that includes Mondays well despite the two hours of them being here on school recess will always take place outside except for say there's a super rainy day windy day they may have to do it inside with the doors open but in general you would always be outside because it is not in their designated area always sitting six feet apart from each other there will be no food sharing on a students will stay together with their God so just to let you know I have been able this mean humongous but I've been able to manage do I sign a playground supervisor to each classroom for the a.m. cohorts and the p.m. corporate and each playground supervisor eats cough heart has their own play area meaning that sinks third grade was going to have Miss Kathy Morris children on Monday they may be on the big playground equipment update makes its prices will be by the dock and then miss Gutierrez will be on the shield the next day it's waitress and a Ghost in the Shell mrs. price goes on the playground equipment so they all switch every single day it's been created all the way to the end of the school year to all the students and stay with their cohort and with the same playground supervisor and we still are under the restrictions of no are otters share playground equipment so we have some of the activities that they are doing they can play games at this time on ship hide and seek daycare drawings of buddy still nothing that entails share playground equipment and then just in case say you go traveling and have to quarantine or do you have a family emergency that again you might have to leave the state and you have to quarantine we can put you on independent studies to our teacher and that is for students who are absent for five or more days and that is requested via email to the teacher and also to our office mrs. Cheney honoka and we are asking if you're so kind if you have probably plan and you know at least a week before to let us know so that we can start the paperwork and get all work together for you and a DNR independent study we will need to join me to return the work for us to give you credit I want oh my goodness I can't believe that's the end of my presentation I will open to question but I did put know if questions there because I don't take help with any questions I don't know what the question is you know there's some how about we could be here till midnight but if you have any question regarding to what I have talked about please feel free to ask me and also if you cannot think of any questions feel free as well to email me call me I'll be here until Monday and I'll be more than happy to ask to answer any questions I see Miss Kelly veronic ready to ask yes students I'm still trying to figure out how to get there with you and I spend them with the paper copy of they're on the screening thank you so much for asking that question so if we are too if we do have students who may be walking we have some students bike the school by themselves mommy either at since me the the farm via email so I see it in the morning or the easiest thing would be for you to print out that is screen time showing to the playground supervisor that's totally good do we have any other questions yes Miss Kelly Demko but yes I'm get yourself got no cash I was trying to get back to the full screen so I could I meet myself sorry about that I'm sorry I just I may have missed this part so I apologize if I did the math brakes for the kids or don't have it I just curious you know where I can ask for any length of time is to be a bit of constricting so just curious if there's any mess and it worked into it or is it just on their natural right for my brakes are probably not going to take play in the classroom to be honest but it say that you will like to send them with a bottle of water you know they can leave it at soaked the other thing that I haven't mentioned and you haven't seen instead you know how it go Shelf with hooks for them to put their backpacks we have taken out every order hook so that there's more between them so they get to put their backpack and then on they can put a water bottle so if they wear to need a Minnie Mouse break they could definitely ask the teacher and maybe take a drink of water outside the class and I will provide in natural breaks us well as if they where to you know when they go to recess and they eat a little is not that was provided must break as well thank you Marta question 2 I see a hand app I is let's say my child is sick I keep them home and it could last 3 days it could be 10 days I say I think you said have to be during that time is there any I know the teacher will probably accommodate but will there be is Doom going on at the same time will they be able to zoom into the class from home or is it just independent work for 10 days no you're tricky you gave me an if questioned without making it but that's why I say we take each one say your child has cuz I different Knuckles and depending on the case with check on it individually but it's a we have a child with a runny nose or different doesn't know you know or maybe it has a little fever but it's not called it the particle as of today right now is that you have to get a clear with your doctor they have to be free. Free for 24 hours and you need a doctor's note that says he's not call it so that's why but again it depends on did you have okay they are all depends okay that's sick or you go out of this thing so no to answer you question of candies new into the classroom as a classless going on our school dist if not offer that possibility so we will have to put them on independent study and then say there is a minimum day like next Friday because we're fine teacher conferences or Wednesday which is always there would be more than welcome to join. Virtual class but for the otter date there is no transmitting the instructions resume is that makes sense. That's thank you do we have any other questions Miskelly you have another question I'm sorry I just I something stuck me earlier when you would mention that this fourth grade class have done a little walk through and I know that there's so many things are juggling right now give me that tomorrow is a half day that early early I'm online injection I'm just it's so different many of our children and most of them haven't been back at school anywhere near a classroom in almost a year is it is there any opportunity for that to happen with that third graders or is that just going to happen the first day it'll be getting out this is what we're doing now and you know it just just let me know I'll get them as I can but it would be nice to have it a soft Landing just since I haven't been there in just a thought but unfortunately I cannot welcome our I cannot officially welcomed until third grade students until March 8th not done being said our school is always open after 3:30 so you're more than welcome to come with your students do you know the classroom with the help most of them they'll welcome to, you can show them the classroom but I cannot have the entire class, I have no doubt of the phenomenal job. we're going to do welcoming them back I'm walking them through all the procedures and protocols that are in place and thank you so much I appreciate it do we have any other questions I have one yes I was with Julie yes I just want to clarify and make sure that it's okay for us to if we have kids and multiple grades to park walk up and retrieve them you know grab one and then grab the other cuz it sounds like from a traffic flow standpoint it might be just easier to do that than to try and go through and pick up multiple kids yes I mean I agree that I personally would prefer to park a block given if that is if you have children in the hate you because otherwise you're going to end up being in the car and circulating for almost half an hour now there is three children were waiting for a v i mean they all get to drop them off at the same time but in general that doesn't happen so you will have them on both so yes you might want to park and then walk them it's from you where the kids are so if do you want to call her to come to school and doesn't pass the temperature like and get sense to you know the office to wait for their parents what happened to the other kids that have been the biggest baby that same s*** in the classroom clipart notified when does the current teen ink starts like after the kid manages to go and get a coffee test in a day or two or what is the procedure like Tuesday comes to school and has fever the wait wait to see if so if they have a fever which we have to go sometime when you're cleaning the cars hot day I will take your temperature high but doesn't necessarily mean that you have anything we take we would take a little nap in a couple times but it's normal now if someone is they have a high temperature because they end up having, and they end up testing positive there instead of particles is that we do follow on we fall off the CDC particles and we follow all of the Los Angeles County Office of Public House and that I had last week I'll get on Wednesday evening could I when I got in that's someone in a classroom has tested positive but by the time I got him form he was 6:30 at night by the time I got everything going it was like 7:30 so I have to call I call every single parents in that class personally inform them we had a confirm covid-19 faucet in your classroom or in your court and we're going to have to quarantine the class for the neck send it again it depends on which one okay cuz is it the morning is it the afternoon or is it someone who Services the afternoon but to give you a blunt kind of everybody will have to be quarantined for 10 days so the parents get informed and sent a letter as well to all the parents to let you know as well as I what are the protocols for YouTube I'm way you used to do with my question was more like so this is like after you get notified for a positive test on my questions what is the protocol before that somebody comes to school they have fever indeed a fever even after 2 minutes you will see but you have to send them home to go get coffee testing right do the parents get informed and that time or do you wait to get as of right now what is the product, it depends you know because usually what we would do if we're doing the tracking and we see that someone has a high temperature so we wouldn't mediately call duperron if we check it again after waiting for them to go down and it is still high we would not let that child in so we will call the parent to come and pick him up so your child has a temperature of 104 Optical right and so they would need to go and get a coffee test to come back to school or do I have to go to the doctor the doctor would determine whether is the sniffles he could be also in his ear infection of the rest of the kids are not informed unless someone tenses positive we were not informed yes no do we have any other questions yet Miss Brenda two questions more kind of materials Logistics Monday was a teacher's notify us what the kids can or should bring with them in their backpacks so that we don't have all these on sanitize materials or you don't want anything in their backpacks on Monday whew I'm going to pass down one to our wonderful teachers where are you who would like to answer the question thank you Simple and Clean answer the second question regarding masks I know you already talked about Mass brakes but I know that sometimes the kids wear a mask even though it's hot and stuffy and they just you know they're afraid to ask for now can my daughter for example has like three or four masked that she's circling Cycles through is that okay or do you not want things like that at school say another one we do ask for another if you want to send another one in the backpack just in case it gets off with water when we maybe not sure about three or four but I think one will be okay okay thank you just comment about emergency kits do I'm guessing that you want us all to submit when whether it's the first day of school the first aid in person or shortly thereafter is that yes we have our where's my Allison she's right next to me on The Brady Bunch hello so islands like yeah and I'm her counterpart yes so we will need a gallon Ziploc bag with a shirt or a long sleeve shirt or sweatshirt a small bottle of water and a comfort note a little letter from you your child just destroying them. You will be there soon and they're in safe hands and then just write their name on the ziplock bag and the room number and again we'll send a letter like we always reminded you of that but for those parents when you to still refer we have our amazing PTA ladies also bring one of them was in charge of emergency and every year we collect kind of like an emergency would we call it an emergency with rolling up with that with you within the first week of no thank you if you have any more questions cuz if you don't have any more questions I will nice see all of you okay what if you don't have any more questions then I look forward to seeing all of you on Monday and welcome your little fellows back between 1st and instruct after what has almost been a year to the date so I don't know how excited you are I know your children are probably super excited and so are our teachers and myself so again if you have any questions between now and Monday feel free to call me or email me and I'll be more than happy to get back to you so thank you so much and have a wonderful afternoon thank you thank you so much thank you
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