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4/19 Full-Day Return Assembly
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Added Apr 19, 2021
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okay I want to do one more sound check if everybody can hear me let me see some thumbs up beautiful well let's get started then we have a big big big day so incredibly excited as you there are more students in the class today we knew that was going to happen we were excited about it and as we've already discussed that leads to more fun and more responsibility so we're not going to talk as much detail as we did last time I'm actually going to speak for amount of time that I did last week to pay very close attention because there are important updates is also important information we're going to go over the routine we're going to go over the expectations all at once and remember positive behavior and listening those are our two main goal those are the two big things we need to remember at all times so what do we want to do when we're in school what's the big what's the big commitment the big responsibility we have here everyday learning of course that's what we want to do in school but what goes along with burning what do we really want to add to that chews things safety and fun who doesn't want safe and fun bring in the school that's always the goal that's always the aim that's the best way we can learn and that's exactly why we're talkin today to make sure that we are proactive just like we discussed last week if you don't remember what proactive mean it is controlling or Cree situation so that if you don't arrive in the first place we're not going to wait for something bad to happen and then respond to it we're going to prevent the negative things from happening in the first place and encourage the positive things to happen in the first place very beginning of the day first of all drop off with wonderful today we had so many cars coming through the parking lot but we got them all through the last you didn't were able to get in a few minutes after 8:30 so I'm going to used to be even more aware when you're in the car and you're pulling up to the school even a minute or two before you pull up the school had that backpack ready have your mask on your face we need to avoid traffic jams in that parking lot and we need to get a loan play students through their new again please make sure that you are ready to go your shoes are tied you're literally ready to just open that door and jump out the second you get here in the second somebody opens the door for you you're ready to go recess again just like last week you're going to line up when you're told the very first time and I want everybody to remember one person just like we've already discussed one person can have a negative effect on everyone also one person can have a positive effect on everyone else so if you're not listening everyone else gets held up in the Bible it becomes more negative but if you are listening and you are paying attention and you are smiling and you are being good to everybody contribute to the positive feelings on Camp that's always the goal remember during recess there is no touching there is absolutely nobody getting any closer than 60 with with an H when you're outside when you're outside you have to be 60 apart so when we let you play all these game with the playground equipment again I cannot stress enough you're going to be passing and playing and running but you're not going to having regular competition we are touching each other and running after each other the soccer ball of foot balls basketballs you still need to stay 6 feet apart outside so make sure not to make us repeat that folks because it's like we've already discussed if people are involved the rules then we're going to have to take privileges away and we would hate to do that you've been so wonderful all year let's make sure there were all very very good to each other so that we get to keep these wonderful privileges so let's go over that procedure one more time of what we do when recess ends when you're outside well I'm sorry let's start from the beginning you're going to go outside for the first few minutes everybody please make sure to mute yourself everybody please make sure to meet your cameras we're going to go out are you going to play your game you're going to sit and eat first and when the playground supervisors tell you you're going to be able to play your two stations that we're going to be eating for lunch and we'll get in for recess again make sure that when the whistle is blown or the campus supervisors yell out the first thing you're going to do is freeze me I think everybody knows with fries needs mean but that means you stop you freeze you touch your knees and you wait for fraction that is always going to be the process whenever you hear a bell whenever you hear a whistle anytime you you're that kind of noise reason these and wait to be told what to do and then everything will work out perfectly lunch same thing hottest thing is recessed just a couple of additional items so I was just having a minute ago she you eating station I gave you to eating stations last week and I'm going to change that we're going to have the two stations in the grassy area near the track and the blue benches near the play structure everybody's going to be eating in that area and for lunch you're going to sit and eat for at least the first 10 minutes so anyone who wants the hot lunch is going to go over to the line You'll see where the line is and you will how to get your hot lunch you're going to go straight through the NPR right out the exit and over to your seat again for the first 10 minutes don't worry about 1 to 10 minutes is up please don't ask the campus supervisors concert 10 minutes are in 5 minutes yet they will let you know what is Plata trash this is going to be a big big deal there so many more students on campus and now we're doing lunch so there's going to be a lot more trash we need to make sure that all of you are paneling old trashed please don't make the custodians and the teacher is and campus supervisors and I pick up all your trash because that takes time away from other things that we need to do and that brings me to my next point and this is Barry Freeport boat for make sure you listen up because this has to do with today you are going to get if you order a hot mod not order if you got a hot one on Monday you're also going to get a breakfast bag that has breakfast for the entire we are just a big bag with breakfast for the entire week I don't want these bags to become an issue do not leave them behind make sure you find a c spot if you get one of those bad make sure to put it in a spot where you will remember to pay ticket you go play and beat the Spy make sure you remember to take it to anybody who takes a bag of Breakfast Bag that is your responsibility please make sure to put it somewhere you'll remember to take it back not leave it behind the campus supervisors will remind you but don't rely on the reminder okay make sure that you remember to take that back do not touch other people's bags okay we do not need to get into situations where people were saying my bag when he can work were you know Jason took the Shuffle from my bags you not touch other people's bags handle your own deck the teachers will instruct you where to put them when you get back to class they might even talk to you about it now some teachers might wanted on the hook others might say no no we get too much sunlight are the hooks or we're going to put it inside but listen to your teachers and again this is Monday's only now let's chat about bathroom there are three different student restroom locations on Capital one person at a time the bathroom so please make sure to do two things you're going to knock and you're also going to ask if anyone is in there you should yell in to see if anyone is in there so you know who just makes you look like knock knock knock penny has anybody in here wait a few seconds don't just walk in while you're knocking and asking wait a few seconds if nobody answers then you can go in if not if somebody doesn't answer then just wait for that person to come out we need to ensure safety and privacy so make sure I did not and call out before entering same rules as lunch and recess Play Time ultimately just listen to coach Jack and his assistant they will tell you what to do and remember whenever you're outside my friend recess lunch business make sure that you're very nice and quiet because there are still other classes in session in there trying to learn to make sure you're quiet when you're going to these different activities that takes us to dismissal just like drop off when you get here morning have your stuff ready to go this process needs to be quick we need to get people in cars and off campus as soon as possible so please don't chit chat with your friends please don't wait until then to tie your shoelaces work knock your workstation are make sure that you have pens and pencils in your backpack all this stuff needs to happen before dismissal so that you are ready II your teacher dismisses you to get out of that parking lot otherwise the parking lot can become very dangerous do we need people going in and out quickly and safely so make sure to do your part with drop-off and pick-up so that takes us through the day again you're going to listen you're going to be positive we're going to be on our absolute best behave are you going to stay 3 feet apart in the classroom you going to say 6 feet apart outside of the classroom and I want to give some very very special thank yous to people first of all I will say first and foremost I want to give a man massive massive thank you to your teachers. I don't think you know how hard they worked on a daily basis now every time the schedule is pain it has been a little bit of an adjustment for you to you might have to wait stop at a different time you might have to get picked up at a different time maybe you had to change your violin practice because of when you're changing schedule trust me for the teachers it's that * 1000 beer changing their lesson plans they're rearranging desks are using different programs it is so incredibly challenging but they've made it look easy they've gone from virtual to in person to half-day to full-day all you so I want you to I want you to understand how much they did working for you and how wonderful they are so on that note I want to make sure that everybody right now just gives you are extinct give your teachers a huge round of applause everybody clap for those teachers they do so so much for you and I really think the all of our praise and recognition now when I say Silver Spur if you can hear me once when I say Silver Spur if you can hear me clap once you're going to clap once and then I'm going to stay still whisper if you could hear me clap twice clap twice that means that we're going to start chatting again so Silver Spur if you could hear me clap once if you can hear me clap twice okay let's continue our conversation for those people who are not in the classroom because there a lot of people who aren't in your classroom and they're doing such a phenomenal job and working so hard at making this school run very smoothly we have school psychologists give folks in the Learning Center we have Coach Jack instructional aides lots of adults going around to help all the students there are other people you see everyday who are also not in the classroom let's start with our amazing terrific incredible campus supervisors you might think that is easy to engage in play time everyday but I can tell you my phone even though they're smiling and friendly all the time because they're just they're just positive excellent people it is far from simple to engage in that kind of play time everyday I've been in edge of Asian in schools for 20 years and I can honestly say because 10 of those 20 years after the time has been as a principal and I can honestly tell you in those ten years is principal in 20 years in education the most challenging times I ordering play time in recess and lunch there are a lot of kids out there you have a lot of wonderful positive energy and it's not easy so again make sure to give your campus supervisor is the utmost respect and always listen the first time you're also for people you probably see on a daily basis but but they're also not in your classroom and they're they're basically running to school along with me just because we need help you need a lot of help. wolf and these folks are amazing I've been blown away by their skills their kindness their commitment to the school so I would like to thank Miss Debbie our health clerk for making everybody feel safe and comfortable everyday mr. salad mr. Eric our phenomenal custodian both this is a big campus we have the second highest number of student at all elementary school second highest number of students in the district it's a big campus a lot of kids mr. sound Sierra ski this Camp is not only clean but also see who I want to make sure that you're very thankful towards them and then last but definitely definitely not least is the most epic office manager in history missgenii albuterol give each person I just said a huge huge round of applause for everything they've been doing huge round of applause they just been so wonderful Silver Spur if you can hear me clap one break you can hear me clap twice with that being said I actually am going to thank two more groups of people one you're wonderful absolutely excellent Second To None principle mrs. Benoit she was so excited that everybody shock your pool day she's been thinking about you she's excited for you and she's eager to see you again when she when she comes back and I want to thank you dude if you are or outstanding I've been bragging to all of my basketball and other educator friends out there telling them I'm having the best time everyday I've never witnessed students were so positive and wonderful people saying hi to me in the hallways it just being good to each other we're going to keep that going I am so people for everyone here hey. Let's have ourselves an amazing day make sure to carry that Bronco Spirit B+ listen the first time and I will see you out there thank you
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