Silver Spur Elementary

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Transitional Kindergarten-School Closure Lessons

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Please check your email for Superhero small group Zoom Invitations!

Please check your email for the Zoom meeting credentials today! This is a private meeting, please do not share ID or password with anyone. Thanks 

Fun Positive Behavior Idea- Home Marble Jar!

Try starting an at home marble jar! Get an old Mason Jar or pasta sauce jar and every time you catch your child making good choices, (listening, completing work, being kind, helping out, putting away toys/items) add a "marble" to the jar. When you fill the jar your child earns a reward. You can use any small object to fill the jar (legos, shopkins, cotton balls, etc) 
Discuss the reward before you start filling the jar. It could be a living room camp out, making cookies together, screen time, ice cream party, pajama day, movie day, dance party etc.) 

Zoom Meeting Monday 9:30 am

Please check your email for a message from me regarding the zoom meeting today. Please check the assignments and print out the weekly schedule and other things you need for today. 


Mystery Reader today at 1:30 via zoom (mrs. christensen is reading today) the meeting will only be about 15 minutes. Please email me if you did not get the invitation. It starts at 1:30 thank you.

Spring 100's Charts.pptx

This is a 100 chart to print out to help with number identification, finding patterns in the numbers etc. This can be used to extend learning There is also a blank 100 chart if your child would like to practice filling it in on their own. 

Star of the Week!

If you are star of the week, this is what I want you to do (if you would like). Make a special poster. Share it by making a short video. Share the video on Homeroom. Every day share a short video of something you want to show the class on Homeroom. If this is your week and you are starting on Wednesday, you can continue to Saturday and Sunday leaving posts on Homeroom. 

You are doing great!

Dear Parents,
You are doing great! Hope things are becoming a little more routine. I love the Homeroom Posts! Maybe try a FaceTime Playdate, or dinner party! My daughter once played Barbies with her friend for 30 minutes on Facetime! 
Please disregard the email about IReady. That if for Kinder and up. TK did not take the IReady tests and do not have log ons. Thank you! Have a great St. Patrick's Day!