Silver Spur Elementary

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Video links for 1st Graders

Hello all! 
Here is the link to the multiplication video for tomorrow (Wed)! 
Sharing and Equal Groups: 
An additional multiplication video (from last week):
As your child begins to research and write their animal reports...check out some additional writing tips! 

Optional Zoom time with Coach Jeff

100% optional! But if your child would like to meet with their grade level and Coach Jeff please mark your calendars and plan to log on weekly: 
1st Grade: Mondays 11:30-11:45
ID: 966 6834 8860
Pass: PEFirst
2nd Grade: Wednesdays 11-11:15
ID: 911 6055 1837
Pass: PESecond

TV shows to enjoy!

Dear Parents, 
As our time at home continues on...if you're looking for some additional kiddo appropriate shows?? Here are a few recommendations from some of our classmates and parents: 
Netflix: The Who Was Show
Living on One Dollar
*He Named Me Malala (make sure you, as parents, are ok with this content!)
Dream Big: Engineering
The Kindness Diaries
Amazon Prime: How the States Got Their Shapes
**I personally have not watched any of these yet...I just like to pass on the suggestions when they come my way!! 
**If you have anything that you and your family have personally enjoyed?? Please let me know! I'd love to update this list so others can enjoy as well! 

Epic Books!

If you haven't joined Epic for your child yet...please check your email and do so as soon as you're able! 
Thank you! 
Just in case it's needed...our class code is: ckc5630

Unit 13 Math Test

2nd Grade - Here is the Chapter 13 Math Test for tomorrow. You are welcome to print the whole document or just the last page. Your child is welcome to print the whole doc and circle the correct choice...or you are welcome to print simply the last page and have your child just write their answers next to the problem number.
We will review during our 2nd grade zoom time on Wed. So please make sure your child has completed it by then. 

1st and 2nd Grade Writing! Adding Details!

Watch this for some ideas on adding details/describing words to your writing!