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Mrs. Bufano » Distant Learning Week 7 (May 4-May 8)

Distant Learning Week 7 (May 4-May 8)

Zoom code for music May 5 - 912-273-1479 , password Anderson
Music homework- practice "Amazing Grace", individual tests will take place next week during music if you would like to play Amazing Grace for a black belt!
Here is Mrs. Anderson's music site if you would like the notes to "Baby Shark" that we practiced today or any other music.
20-30 minutes each day
Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Metric Measures, U.S. Customary measures.
I Ready Language Arts - 20 minutes, twice per week.
pages 15, 16, 18, 19
Prepare your best paper and writing for publishing the Preamble to the Constitution in cursive. (Remember, you have your own copy in your student dictionary!)
Cursive quiz - Tuesday Zoom
We will begin to draft our "expert at" writing through Zoom that we brainstormed last week in our writing journals.
Monday - select topic
Tuesday - make list of steps in the process
Wednesday, Thursday - add details to each step
Friday - Review, edit (make changes to create stronger writing)
Complete and correct in small group all fraction workbook pages, extra practice pages, and yellow workbook fraction sections before taking Think Central math test due this week.
Make up late math tests-
Ch. 8 division- student # 4,7,9,19,20
Ch.9 multiplication/division bar models- student # 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,16,19,20
Ch.10 - adding and subtracting money- student #1,4,5,7,9,11,12,17,18,19
Ch.11 - metric measurements - student # 4,6,
Ch.12 - metric word problems - student # 4,6,7,12,19
Ch.13 - graphs, line plots - students # 2,4,5,6,7,9,10,14,16,17,18,19
Ch. 14 - fractions - due this week
Monday - pages 46-47 
Tuesday - pages48-49 (50-51 in Zoom)
Wednesday - 52-53
Thursday - 54-55
Monday Zoom - Ch.1-2, at home reading Ch. 3-4
Tuesday Zoom - Ch 5, at home reading Ch 6-7
Wednesday - Ch. 8
Thursday - Ch. 10
Vacation to Mars edited journal entry typed in Word document - student #4,9,10,11
Space Art - student # 4,7,9,10,
Dr. Seuss Biography writing - student # 4,8,919,21
Frindle opinion writing - student # 4,9
To Do:
Quail Art - student # 3,4,7,9,10,21
Shadow Science Experiment and Graph
Local History/Science Research Report
Think Central Tests
Reading Counts Quizzes- Frindle student # 4,7,9,19
Mouse & Motorcycle - 
Floatation Experiment
How to... writing
IXL - fractions, multiplication, division
Ch. 15 math completed, ready to share Monday
Correct yellow math, Wonders practice book, Wonders close reader in small group