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Bonni  Keeler » First Grade Notes: Additional Activities You Can Do!

First Grade Notes: Additional Activities You Can Do!

First Grade Notes:

Here are some additional activities you can do!


*YouTube: Please note that there are often commercials before the educational songs we watch.  We always skip those so the children can’t see the advertisements.  Please be aware if you don’t want them to watch the advertisements that you will need to skip the ads before the links we include.


Calendar: Your child can point to today’s day and practice saying, “Today is Monday, April 6, 2020.”

Today is, Yesterday was, Tomorrow will be: Using the calendar, each day your child can practice saying, “Yesterday was Sunday.  Today is Monday.  Tomorrow will be Tuesday.”


Seasons & Weather: Your child can say, “The season is Spring.  The weather is​                                                                                                   



1s, 10, 100s: Collect a group items that your child can sort into groups of tens i.e.

straws, toothpicks, legos, markers.  Have your child make groups 13 groups of ten and put in piles or a rubberband around them.  Then have your child make signs that say: hundreds, tens, ones.  Each day, your child will add one more item to the total.  On Monday, April 6th it is technically our 133rd day of school.  They should have 1 bundle/pile of 100 in the hundreds place, 3 bundles/piles of tens in the tens place and 3 individual ones in the ones place.  The kids know how to do this.  We are in school for 180 days.


Number Story:  Your child tells a number story and then writes down the number​         representing the part, part, whole and the 4 number sentences in the fact family.  For example.  Mrs. Keeler had 9 dogs.  6 more dogs joined.  How many in all? Part-9 Part-6 Whole-15 Fact Family 9+6=15, 6+9=15, 15-9=6, 15-6=9


Money Chart: Practice ways to represent how many days we’ve been in school with​   money.  For example:  Day 133:  1 dollar, 3 dimes, 3 pennies

Skip Counting: Practice counting forward and backward by 2s, 5s, 10s, and 25s.​                                                                                                                

Phonics Strategies and Spelling Word Practice: Your child can use paper, awhiteboard & expo marker, chalk on the sidewalk, shaving cream and fingers, etc. to practice the weekly spelling words and phonics strategies.  Encourage your child to practice spelling the weekly words. Then add sentences using these words.  You can also make a game to see how many additional words he/she can use that follow the same spelling pattern, but are not on our weekly list. For example: Words with /u/ shoe, drew, grew.  They love this challenge!


List of afternoon choices for P.E., Music, Science, Social Studies, Art:



     Learn how to play hopscotch. You can ask someone at home to teach you or follow this link to learn the rules:

       Go to and pick a story that looks fun.
        Go for a bike ride or scooter ride with a grownup.
         Put on your favorite music and have a dance party.



Log in to Mystery Science:

(​     2 dffec020893#slide-id-8055) and complete the lesson on how germs get inside your body.




Social Studies: 

  1. Interview an adult you know about what school was like when they were a kid. What did they learn? What did they play at recess?  What was their classroom like?  Who were their friends?


  1. Draw a picture of your class. Can you remember all 23 friends?
  2. Learn how to draw a realistic tree by following the directed drawing instructions on Art for Kids Hub: