Summative Math Exam - Fourth Grade (Optional)
Formal Request to Test: 2020 ACCEL Testing Permission Slip
On the 5th of March, 2024, all Fifth Grade students will be taking a Summative Assessment Exam to determine their placement for Sixth Grade Mathematics. Fourth grade students also have the opportunity to test for the ACCEL program. If a Fourth Grader were to pass the test, they may be approved (see criteria link below), to skip Fifth grade math and attend math at the Middle School with Sixth graders on an accelerated program. This assessment is comprised of standards meeting Fifth Grade Common Core Curriculum.
In order to provide you and your child with further opportunities for review and practice as a supplement to what we have done in the classroom this year as part of our Math in Focus curriculum, I have provided PDFs below that correspond with the Fifth grade standards that will be covered on the exam. I have added a Math in Focus Extra Practice pages in word problem format and 5.NF.7c as half of the exam is given with real world application in mind. If anything, I would review how these problems are worded. Kahn Academy is also an amazing resource - all of my students have access to Kahn and have been uploaded onto a classroom practice group. On Kahn they can access the Fifth grade standards and watch video tutorials! Brilliant! Practice is not necessary! We want your children to be placed appropriately and at their level. A Fourth-grader skipping Fifth-grade math IS a big deal. Please keep in mind that middle school pacing is much more rigorous and your child will be in a classroom with a middle school teacher delivering middle school-level mathematics instruction. Middle school math homework is generally 30-40 problems each evening and most of the instruction follows a more lecture-type model. Parent/guardian is also responsible for transportation to morning math class and delivery of student back to Silver Spur for attendance the remainder of their day.
Please take the time to review the information on the District website carefully, as it reflects the most accurate and up to date information regarding this recommendation and the assessment process. On the District's website clear and specific criteria regarding how students may qualify for accelerated math placement, as well as possible pathways for students as they make their way through intermediate and high school, (see links below).
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions or concerns!
For further information from the District's website as to Math Placement and Pathways, you can visit the links below!
FAQ's about the assessment, pathways and placement
The criteria required for placement in the ACCEL Program
CA State Standards for Mathematics
Fifth Grade Standards Practice Sheets:
Conversion Charts and Practice