Silver Spur Elementary

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Starr Nagdev » Student Council - Bronco Leadership

Student Council - Bronco Leadership

Student Elections
Student elections take place twice a year in September and again in February.  Fourth and Fifth graders are welcome to run to hold an office position.  Third graders get to participate in student council as student representatives and report back to their classrooms with updates and announcements.  More information as to requirements, offices,  and applications to run can be found as attachments to the right (PC) or at bottom (cell phone) of this page.  
Student Council Applications and additional information can be found as attachments at the bottom of this page.  Download the application and print from home!  Speech Writing Tips with videos are available on the PDF slideshow at the bottom of the page!
VIP Dates for Fall Election Cycle:  If you are unable to attend mandatory dates, please do not apply!

Monday, 9/23/24     Mandatory - Lunch time info session, bring lunch to Room 35, you must attend the meeting to apply!


Thursday, 9/26/24   Mandatory - Student Council Application due to Room 18 by 3:15 p.m.


Monday, 9/30/24   Posters due


Wednesday, 10/2/24  Mandatory - Morning practice for candidates in MPR at 7:45 a.m.


Friday, 10/4/24   Mandatory - Student Elections will take place directly following Friday Assembly


Monday, 10/7/24   Mandatory - Student Leadership Training after school with Mrs. Nagdev in Room 35 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.



Bronco Leadership
The student council leadership of our school will be required to attend Bronco Leadership Training.  We want to ensure that students who take on positions as representatives of Silver Spur have all the skills needed to shine and lead while on the playground, as they go out into our communities and as they grow and venture onto Middle School because we believe True Leaders Do Not Create Followers, They Create MORE Leaders!  Students will focus on Wooden's Pyramid of Success as a guide and work toward development of leadership skills focusing on team building, conflict/resolution techniques, communication strategies and learning to lead by example.
Mandatory Bronco Leadership Training Meeting:  October 7th, 2024 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Pyramid of Success – Character Education – Vanalden Avenue Elementary
Bronco Service Minutes
We would like to see our school leaders develop a desire to improve our school campus, school environment and act as models to others on campus by completing service minutes.  Bronco Leadership will need to complete three 15 min. sessions of service each month.  Dedication to the school which they have chosen to serve and lead is an important element in creating "buy-in" from other students.  We also hope to cultivate an environment of caring for others and creating citizenship. 
Student Body Officer Positions
Student Council Weekly Meetings will take place the first 25 minutes of lunch each Monday in Room 35.  Students will bring their lunch with them for the meeting from 12:35 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.  Student Officers and 3rd grade Representatives are responsible for taking notes and delivering information to their classrooms following lunch recess or the next morning.
Review helper videos, print applications and info here:
Student Council Faculty Advisors
We are here to help!
Mrs. Cummins, 4th Grade Teacher
Mrs. Nagdev, 4th Grade Teacher