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Starr Nagdev » OTB Club - Out 'of The Box

OTB Club - Out 'of The Box

Innovation comes from realizing there is a problem and deciding to be part of the solution!
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How can you change the world?  What can you do to make our community a better place?  Small steps lead to change and you.... Can be part of the change!
Plastics are consuming our lives and polluting the ocean.  See these articles below, how can we make a difference?
Student Activism - Children around the world are asking  ADULTS to pay attention to Climate Change!  How can we make a Difference?
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Grades of Green:
Are you working with the team to develop ideas for our Grades of Green Team?  Check out these ideas for saving water or utilizing "gray" water.
If you have an idea we can submit to the Grade of Green Group, write out a proposal  ($100 extra credit!)
1)  What have you researched?
2)  What might work well in our garden or on our school campus
3)  What would the costs be to implementing?  Is it something we can build on a mini version ourselves?
4)  Do you have more than one source who has used this method?
5)  Do you have metrics on this system, meaning - have they been successful and if so how do you quantify that success?
How can we create change in our School Community?
We discussed what we saw as possible problems/issues which could be amended with the right care.  So the question is... where might we have the greatest impact:
Questions to ask include; what can we accomplish before the end of the year, how much work required, what is required???  ETC.

Issue / Problem

Project / OTB Fix?

Lunch Table Waste:  We are currently not sorting our lunch trash to be compostable, recyclable or trash.  This is an easy fix, other schools are already doing this.

We could research what is being done, create PSA and help organize / manage

Disrespectful Behavior toward Yard Duty, Teachers, Peers

Student Ambassadors?  PSA


Trash on field – extra work for Mr. Sal.  Students eating at places other than blue tables?

??  Student Ambassadors???  PSA

Take the Clean-up Pledge and Try to get others to do it as well.  Maybe clean up our school lawn?  Or clean up Malaga Cove Beach?

PSA video and organize clean-up's

Drought in the future is almost certain.  How can we save, maintain water for the garden?  School?  Low-flush toilet installments, etc.

Could we build Fog Catchers?  Fund-raise for Low-Flush Toilets?  Catch rain water with some other sort of mechanism?  
  • Kid's all across the nation are filming themselves finding an area which has been "trashed" and students are cleaning the space up and sharing the results on social media.
  • We are currently not recycling, composting, reducing our lunch table waste.  Maybe we could create systems to do/manage this.
  • Student Ambassadors - to help lead, guide and institute more respectful behavior.
  • Drought is almost certain in the future.  What can we do to assist and save water?  In the garden?
  • Ball Shed.... issues!
  • Trash continues to liter the field and make Mr. Sal's job more challenging..... could this be tied to Student Ambassador's creating a precedence for expected behavior?
Our Chosen Project for Spring 2019
Fog catchers!!!!
Watch our progress here as it develops!
Here are a couple example videos of what we hope to build:
Week of April 8 Our Female Engineering Team is working on developing:
  • Step by Step instruction for "How to Build" guideline for future engineering teams
  • Model/Drawing to scale of what the final product will look like along with a labeled parts
  • Cost analysis
  • Compare and Contrast of the "water collecting" material and what we think will work best
Week of April 15th  Completion of schematic and instructions to test out instructions and model to ensure others could follow and build successfully.
  • Student Model
(Created by Chloe and Saule)
Price Analysis - Fog Catcher
Cost Analysis - contributors include Ivy, Amanda, Chloe, Saule, Matin
Week of April 18th -  Students have started to build!  As they build they also need to check their instructions and schematic to ensure that their teams will be able to build FROM the instructions.  They also need to see what works and doesn't work.  Students quickly realized they needed to listen to one another and discuss before just "doing"!